Local plan documents downloads
Big City Plan
The Big City Plan is the most ambitious, far-reaching development project ever undertaken in the UK. Our aim is to create a world-class city centre by planning for the next 20 years of transformation.
The Protocol for Neighbourhood Planning in Birmingham
This Protocol provides general overview and advice on the Neighbourhood Planning process, ensuring there is clarity and transparency for local communities.
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2015
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing
development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework. -
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2014
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2013
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2012
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework
Affordable Housing Viability Study 2010
The overarching objective of this study is to provide evidence to facilities the framing of the Council’s affordable
housing policy. -
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment 2019
This study has been carried out by Opinion Research Services.
Employment Land and Office Targets Study 2013
In May 2013, Birmingham City Council (BCC) commissioned Warwick Economics and Development (WECD) to undertake a comprehensive employment land review
and office targets study. -
Employment Land Review 2012
The Employment Land Review (ELR) provides an analysis of the employment land
supply position in Birmingham, recent completions, key conclusions and
recommendations for future action. -
Employment Land Study for Economic Zones and Key Sectors 2012
Study to review the provision of specific employment land sites for the future requirements of selected sectors of
the local economy in the light of the economic development vision of Birmingham. -
Playing pitch strategy 2017
The strategy’s overarching aim is: “To guide the future provision and management of old and new sports pitches in the area in the context of national policy and local sports development criteria”
Land for Future Development 2013
Land for future development consists of sites with a policy commitment for development including
‘windfall’ sites. -
East Birmingham Prospectus for Growth
The East Birmingham Prospectus for Growth focuses on employment and skills, improving connectivity and delivering growth.
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2016
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing
development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework. -
Brownfield Register
The Brownfield Register for Birmingham, which includes sites in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment 2017
The SHLAA is a study of sites within Birmingham that have the potential to accommodate housing development. Its purpose is to provide evidence to support the Local Development Framework.
Planning policy consultation database
Download the consent form to be added to our consultation database
Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum application documents - Soho and Handsworth
Neighbourhood Area and Neighbourhood Forum application documents.