November 2020

Athletes’ Route (southern section)

Alongside the construction works, we have been developing our proposals for the Athletes’ Route component of the Alexander Stadium Redevelopment project.

The original planning application for the Alexander Stadium Redevelopment (reference: 2019/07968/PA) included a proposed alignment for the Athletes’ Route, but noted that the form and alignment was unconfirmed at that stage. The proposed alignment followed an existing tarmac surfaced route from the A453 Aldridge Road (southern section of Athletes’ Route), and continued to the rear of the East Stand and up to the proposed warm up track (northern section of Athletes’ Route).

On more detailed investigation of the original proposed alignment for the southern section of the Athletes’ Route, several issues were discovered related to the existing trees, and their proximity to the vehicles likely to use the route. This scenario would negatively impact several trees and therefore make use of the existing route (as per the original planning application) unsuitable.

We have therefore undertaken an option selection process to develop a preferred alignment for the southern section of Athletes’ Route. The preferred alignment will utilise an existing access from Church Road (adjacent to Aston Manor Cricket Club) and pass through Perry Park to join the northern section of Athletes’ Route.

The preferred alignment for the southern section of Athletes’ Route presents a number of benefits including that it:

  • minimises impacts to trees;
  • avoids the Perry Park flood zone;
  • offers a shorter access route;
  • optimises use of the existing access point on Church Road;
  • follows the existing site contours as far as practicable to minimise required earthworks and level changes; and
  • will create an accessible pedestrian and cycle route from Church Road through Perry Park to the Stadium.

The preferred design is also sympathetic to the parkland setting and adopts a ‘flush’ surface (i.e. no standard road kerbs), and comprises a stone surface rather than tarmac (north of the junction with the transport mall).

Map showing proposed athletes route and footpath

For full details of the updated proposal for the southern section of Athletes’ Route refer to:

Engagement with stakeholders and the community was undertaken in November 2020, to seek feedback on the updated proposals, and a reserved matters planning application will be submitted in January 2021, to seek the necessary planning approval for the southern section of the Athletes’ Route.

If you would like any further details, help in understanding the proposals, or a copy of the information in an alternate format (in another language, braille or larger print), contact Jade Tilley at or 0121 213 3168.

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