October 2021

Construction update

  • North of GMAC and HP Centre: On the warm-up track, the synthetic track surface has been completed and the white lines have been marked. The in-field has been seeded, the grass has grown and will be maintained until summer 2022. Installation of the floodlight columns is complete.
  • Northern Plaza: Works to the northern plaza are nearing completion. The surface is tarmacked and the landscaping works have commenced.
  • New West Stand and main track: Works on the externals of the new West Stand have progressed well. The installation of the roof cladding is complete and works to the external cladding are ongoing. The glazing and the roof are both nearing completion. The installation of the seating is due to start in late October. The West Stand internal works have also progressed well, the doors are being fitted, and the plumbing, electric, painting and decorating works are all underway. The final stages of the main track formation have commenced, the in-field has been turfed and the synthetic surface works have begun. The main track is expected to be completed before Christmas.
  • Stadium Way: Stadium Way has now reopened following the installation of gas and water services, and resurfacing works.
  • Around the existing East Stand: Works to reconstruct the existing car park in front of the East Stand are now complete. However the East Stand car park remains part of the construction site and is required for contractor parking, and therefore will remain closed until further notice.
  • South Terrace: Works to construct a new car park for the West Stand have commenced and are expected to be complete in December.
  • Perry Park: As explained in our letters distributed in August and September 2021, construction of the southern section of the Athletes’ Route (which will pass through Perry Park) has commenced, and will be complete by the end of the year. The construction works involved widening the existing junction/access point between the Athletes’ Route and Church Road (located to the east of the Aston Manor Cricket Club) and this has recently been completed.
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