Animal by-products
Animal by-product regulations aim to control the risks, including disease, to both animal and human health.
If you’re a food retailer, distributor or manufacturer with raw meat or fish no longer intended for human consumption (e.g. raw meat or fish past its use by date), then these regulations affect you.
Raw meat and fish
This includes meat and fish off-cuts and products that require cooking before consumption (e.g. scampi, fish fingers, raw sausages, chicken kiev, bacon). These products must be disposed of at a registered premises by one of the prescribed methods - such as rendering, incineration, or disposal at a registered biogas or composting plant.
Former foodstuffs
This includes uncooked and lightly cooked meat, poultry and fish that no longer intended for human consumption (e.g. due to commercial reasons, or manufacturing/packaging defects, and also out of date foods). These products must also be disposed of at a registered premises by one of the prescribed methods.
For further information on this legislation, contact us or visit the GOV.UK website.