Birmingham Local Plan – Preferred Options consultation has closed

We are working on a new Local Plan for Birmingham which will decide how the city will develop and provide policies to guide decisions on development proposals and planning applications up to 2042.

The latest consultation, 'Preferred Options' has now closed. However, the document and policies map can still be viewed and downloaded.

To download the document and policies map:

1. Go to the 'Birmingham Local Plan Issues and Options' document page

2.Under the section 'Supporting files' on the left download:

  • BLP Preferred Options Document_pdf
  • BLP POD Draft Policies Map_pdf

You can also:

Read the consultation document

In support of the Local Plan, the evidence base will continue to be updated.

If you want information about the Birmingham Local Plan:

Register on our Planning Consultation portal

If you have any other queries about Birmingham Local Plan send us an email at

Call for sites

There is an opportunity to submit site suggestions for development through the Birmingham Local Plan preparation process.

Submit a site suggestion

Previous consultation

Consultation previously took place in October 2022 on an issues and options document for the Birmingham Local Plan. You can view the consultation statement and a summary of representations received along with how we responded to them.

Download issues and options consultation statement

Download issues and options representations and responses

Register for the planning policy consultation mailing list

If you would like to be kept informed about forthcoming consultations on the Birmingham Local Plan and other planning documents, you can register to join our mailing list.

Register to join the Birmingham Plan mailing list

Page last updated: 17 September 2024

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