Tyseley and Hay Mills Liveable Neighbourhoods project
We continue to have ambitious plans for Birmingham and for it to become a healthier, better connected, and thriving city.
With the Council's current financial situation we are exploring many different ways of delivering services. This means turning current thinking on its head and looking deeply and honestly at how we can better enable and deliver services and facilities.
We want to that provide value for money whilst still providing quality services, facilities and pleasant environments for the people of Birmingham.
This pilot is currently focused in the ward of Tyseley and Hay Mills. At this local level we are working with partners including the Tyseley Strategic Alliance and as part of the Birmingham Inclusive Growth Programme.
We hope that the Liveable Neighbourhoods Pilot will provide us with the learning on the most appropriate ways to help reduce economic, health, social, and environmental inequalities in the ward. These can then be evaluated and applied to other areas of the city.
Project vision and aims
The vision
The project is exploring how we can best deliver the vision that residents have:
- access to pleasant, green, safe, healthy, welcoming, inclusive environment
- live within a short walk or cycle journey of quality services and facilities that meet their daily needs
- help and support residents to lead full, healthy, happy, and purposeful lives
- equip residents with skills, resources, knowledge and support to empower them to advocate for and deliver their own change
- utilising resident's local area knowledge in partnership with the public, private, and third sector
The aims
The project aims to work with local residents, community groups, businesses and the third sector to create a long term change strategy. This includes an associated delivery plan for the local area, and a toolkit on how to apply learning from the pilot to other areas of the city.
The project will be used to explore what can be done by planning and development services working in an integrated delivery approach with others to meet local needs and aspirations.
The potential areas of interest for the Change Strategy and Action Plan are:
- housing – including affordable housing
- public transport (bus and train) and walking and cycling routes
- local healthcare services
- nature and the green and blue environment (parks and rivers)
- education
- employment and training opportunities
- shopping centres
- social and cultural spaces and facilities
- local food economy – healthy and affordable food
- digital services
- a safe and inclusive environment
The challenges
Recent evidence has identified a range of challenges in the Tyseley and Hay Mills ward:
- is in the top 10% of the most deprived areas nationally according to the Index of Multiple Deprivation
- has low accessibility to neighbourhood services, employment, and digital services
- performs average to poor in the councils' Climate risk and vulnerability assessment
- has a lower average life expectancy relative to the Birmingham and national averages
Working with partners
The Tyseley Alliance and the local community are already doing excellent work in the area, like the River Cole Community Commons Project, the Tyseley Environmental and Enterprise District (TEED) Masterplan, and the West Midlands Local Net Zero Programme.
The Liveable Neighbourhoods Project will build on this work to identify gaps in accessibility and help develop the Change Strategy and Action Plan.
Page last updated: 2 January 2025