Report an empty grit bin
There are 1,272 grit bins across the city, placed at locations where they will assist road users on a self-help basis. They cover potentially hazardous locations such as gradients to busy junctions, steep hills and sharp bends.
You can view the gritting routes and grit bin locations
Roads we grit
It’s not possible to treat every road in the city with the resources available to us.
To deal with these challenges, a priority treated network has been established based on guidance from the government. This priority treated network covers over 1,200 kilometres (over 700 miles) - nearly 50% of the total length of all roads within the city. This is about the distance from Birmingham to the south of France!
The three priority levels our gritted network is divided into are:
- priority level 1: All major roads within the city
- priority level 2: Other roads with heavy traffic, which are an essential part of Birmingham's road network
- priority level 3: Other busy local roads, important routes identified by the emergency services, all frequent bus routes, main access routes to large residential areas and important commuter routes
The grit within the bins is for use on public roads and pavement areas only. It must not be used on private drives or paths.
Rock salt for use on private land can be obtained from local stockists such as supermarkets and DIY stores.
How to use our reporting form
If you want to track progress on your enquiry, you can log in to, or register for a BRUM account.
1. Start your report
Look at the map to begin.
The map will show a 2-mile area around Birmingham city centre by default.
2. Find and plot the location
There are 2 ways to find the location.
- Use the "Search for a place" box
Type a postcode or road name in the search box.
If you know the property number, include it too. - Manual search
Explore the map and zoom in to mark the location.
On the left side of the map, you will find the tools:- Zoom buttons. Use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and out.
Mobile users can also pinch to zoom. - Find my location circle. Use this to zoom to where you are right now
- Zoom buttons. Use the plus and minus buttons to zoom in and out.
Click or tap the map to plot the location. A marker will appear.
3. Submit your report
Once you have plotted the location on the map, select "Submit new enquiry" to start the form.
If you're using an older browser such as Internet Explorer 10 or earlier, the map might not appear. Try using a newer browser for the best experience.
Page last updated: 14 May 2024