Report faulty or damaged totems

Wayfinding and signage information are important. They guide people who live, work, and visit Birmingham city centre, helping them find their way and reach their destinations.

New street station totem picture


We regularly inspect the wayfinding and information maps (totems), but we might not always know if they are faulty, vandalised, or damaged. This can make a map unusable, or pose a risk to the public if there is broken glass around the totem.

If you notice a totem that has been damaged, vandalised or has inaccurate map information, let us know.

To report a damaged or vandalised totem, you will need to give us:

  • an accurate location (including landmarks, house numbers or road junctions)
  • the Asset Tag ID number, usually found on a sticker or painted on the column (if available)
  • a detailed description of the problem (e.g. vandalised or damaged totem, graffiti, broken lighting, damaged frame, damaged seal, broken or unsafe glass, totem knocked down by a vehicle, unstable foundation, inaccurate information on the map, construction works due to take place in the area, or any other issue).

Make sure you do not put yourself or anyone else in danger while getting details about the fault.

To report a faulty or damaged totem:
complete the form

Page last updated: 9 September 2024

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