Perry Barr


Wards: Handsworth Wood, Lozells and East Handsworth, Oscott, Perry Barr

Results for Perry Barr Constituency
Candidate Party Votes
Shangara Singh Bhatoe Socialist Labour Party 592
Charlotte Cyrus Hodivala The Conservative Party 11726
Khalid Mahmood - Elected Labour Party 30109
Vijay Rana Green Party 591
Harjinder Singh Open Borders Party 99
Harjun Singh Liberal Democrat 1080
  Rejected Ballot Papers 164
  TOTAL 44361

This represents a majority of 18,383 for Khalid MAHMOOD
Labour Party - Hold


Rejected Votes

(a) Want of official mark 0
(b) Voting for more than one candidate  91
(c) Writing or mark by which voter can be identified 2
(d) Unmarked or void for uncertainty 71
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