Contact us about your bin

Potential disruption due to industrial action

There is currently industrial action by Unite the Union. We expect some disruption but will try to minimise this.

Put your household waste (grey lid) bin out on your normal collection day.  If it is not collected, leave it out and we will collect it as soon as we can.  Recycling collections are suspended every day during industrial action so do not put your recycling bin (blue lid) out for collection.

You might find it useful to understand more about the industrial action, how this might affect your bin collections, and what you can or can’t do with your waste during this time

We continue to work with Unite to try and resolve the dispute as soon as possible.

Your bin

If you have any questions about your bin, you can contact us using the waste general enquiry form.

Common questions include:

  • asking for a bigger bin if you have a household of more than 6 people or you have started producing clinical waste
  • asking for an extra recycling bin
  • asking about payment for waste services
  • where you should put your bin for collection
  • asking for bins for a new-build property

You need an online BRUM account to use this form. Create a BRUM account if you do not already have one.

Waste general enquiry form

If you need a new bin or pod

You need an online BRUM account to request a new bin or pod.

Create a BRUM account if you do not already have one.

Request a new bin or pod

Extra recycling bins

Due to an overwhelming demand for extra recycling bins, we have temporarily stopped taking new requests while we work to deliver the current orders we have.

The extra recycling bin will be for your paper and cardboard recycling.

Your original recycling bin will then be used for your dry recycling:

  • metals
  • glass
  • plastics

When we deliver the second recycling bin, we will take away the pod from your original recycling bin, as it is no longer needed. The pod will be reused or recycled.

If you have space for an extra bin, but have not yet requested one, revisit this page later in the year to find details of how you can request one. This will help the city increase its recycling rates as part of our route to net zero carbon emissions.

Damaged bins

If the bin collection crew has damaged your bin or pod, they will leave a tag on the bin telling you this. They will tell us about the damage, and we will provide you with a new bin. You do not need to report it to us.

If you have damaged your bin, you must report it to us using the request a new bin or pod form.

Leave your damaged bin or pod at the front of the property, where it can easily be seen by our crew.

Until you receive your new bin, you should put out your bin bags for collection.


We will not charge you for:

  • replacing a broken bin when you can give us the broken one
  • new recycling wheelie bins, inner pods and recycling boxes
  • replacing a bin that we have damaged

There is a £20 charge:

  • to replace a missing household or garden waste bin
  • for providing bins that are missing in a previously occupied property

Page last updated: 6 February 2025

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