Clinical waste collections

Please note:

Until further notice, due to a supply issue we are unable to provide new empty sharps containers. We recommend that you contact your GP, clinic or pharmacy for replacement sharps boxes. Please be aware that we can only collect sharps containers that conform to the British Standard BS 7320 (or UN3291).

What is clinical waste

We will collect:

  • swabs and dressings
  • syringes, needles or other sharp instruments

You will be told by your healthcare professionals that you need to arrange a clinical waste collection.

We will only collect clinical waste in the correct type of bags or sharps box. We will provide these.

We will not collect pharmaceuticals or drugs. You can take these to your pharmacy.

Cost of clinical waste collection

This service is free.

Request, cancel or report a missed clinical waste collection

You can request, cancel or report a missed collection through your BRUM account. If you do not already have an account, you will need to create one.

Request a clinical waste collection

When you sign up for this service, we will contact you to check your needs. We will provide you with the bags that you need.

Sharps boxes

Sharps boxes are for syringes, needles or other sharp instruments. You will have to request this service every time you need it.



We will tell you your collection day.

Sharps box

When you request a sharps collection, you will pick the day you want it to be collected.

Putting out your bags or sharp box

You must your bags or sharps box out the night before the collection is due. They must be on your property, not on the pavement.

We will not knock on your door to request the bags or box from you.

Moving house

If you move house you will need to cancel your existing collection and request it again from your new house.


We no longer provide a commercial clinical waste service to new customers. Therefore, this service cannot be used by businesses or any non-domestic premises.

Page last updated: 3 February 2025

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