What does the review involve? 

This review is an opportunity for electors, community groups and any other interested parties within Birmingham to express their views on the existing polling district boundaries and polling places, and where possible make alternative suggestions for consideration. 

The council also welcomes comments or representations from any elected members in the area, local political representatives and any person or body with expertise in access for persons with any type of disability.

At the start of the process, a notice must be published with details of the review, including when and where comments or representations can be made in relation to the review.

Kate Charlton, Acting Returning Officer, has made comments on existing arrangements, and suggested amendments.

All are invited to take part in the consultation process by completing the questionnaire attached below or by sending comments in the form of a letter to Robert Connelly, Head of Electoral Services at the Elections Office, or by email to elections@birmingham.gov.uk

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