What are the criteria for an ASB case review?

An ASB case review has to meet a set criterion to qualify for a review.

In Birmingham, a case needs to meet one of the following thresholds:

  • a minimum of three separate anti-social behaviour incidents reported during the previous six months to either Birmingham City Council, a social housing provider or West Midlands Police
  • in addition, at least one report needs to be made during the last month'

If the same incident has been reported to two separate agencies, this will qualify as one incident

  • at least one hate crime incident reported during the previous six months to either Birmingham City Council, a social housing provider or West Midlands Police.

The incident must have been reported as a hate crime at the time of reporting.

We cannot consider incidents unless they have been reported to Birmingham City Council, a social housing provider or West Midlands Police.

Page last updated: 7 June 2023

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