Further information about the contract

Birmingham’s network covers more than 2,500km of roadways and 5,000km of footways.

What has been delivered through the PFI contract

Since 2019:

  • £148m has been invested in the highway network, with £130m of this in surfacing. This has improved carriageway condition. Without this investment, Birmingham's roads and footways would have deteriorated more quickly
  • 4,304 street lighting columns have been replaced
  • 20 traffic signals have been replaced
  • £2.25m further investment in tunnel safety systems

Up to 2019, the PFI has also delivered:

  • replacement of 49,769 street lighting columns
  • replacement of 549 traffic signals
  • refurbishment of three city centre tunnels
  • strengthening of 28 structures
  • refurbishment of pumping stations at key points on the network
  • upgrading of the Urban Traffic Control system to Urban Traffic Management and Control standard
  • renewal of the winter maintenance fleet and optimisation of routes optimised. This has resulted in a well-delivered and resilient winter service
  • a reduction in the value of settled highway liability claims against the council, due to asset investment and improved claims management

Impact on residents

Our first priority remains the continued delivery of statutory highway functions and services across the city, ensuring the safety of everyone across the network.

We will continue to ensure the delivery of these services via the current interim services contract that is delivered by Kier, whilst the Department for Transport considers the long term continuation of the PFI.

Commercially sensitive information

Some information regarding the contract is exempt under the Environmental Information Regulations, as detailed on our Highways PFI page.

Page last updated: 18 June 2024

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