Who can use a bus lane?
Permitted vehicles can vary, so you should check the signs at the start of a bus lane or bus only road before entering.
In Birmingham, permitted vehicles may include buses/coaches (with a minimum of 10 seats), pedal cycles, Hackney carriages (black taxi cabs) and solo motorcycles. Private hire vehicles are not permitted to use any bus lanes in Birmingham.
Some bus lanes are only in operation at certain times or day, as indicated on signs ahead of the lane. At other times, all traffic may use the bus lane.
Where a bus lane runs in front of a property, vehicles may turn left across the lane to enter and leave the property but should not drive in the lane before or after making the turn.
Very rarely, there will be an exceptional circumstance which means you may be in a bus lane; for example, to avoid a collision or debris in the road, or when directed into the lane by a police officer in uniform. Your stay in the bus lane should always be as brief as possible.
Parking is not allowed in a bus lane during its operational hours, even with a blue (disabled) badge.