Pool Farm Estate Kings Norton Compulsory Purchase Order 2021
Birmingham City Council (Pool Farm Estate Kings Norton) Compulsory Purchase Order 2021
The Pool Farm Estate forms part of the Kings Norton 3 Estates – which has been a focus for regeneration and redevelopment over the last 20 years.
Substantial new development has already taken place following significant local consultation and the adoption of the Kings Norton Planning Framework, which has guided change in the area.
The proposed clearance programme for the Pool Farm Estate was agreed by Cabinet of the City Council on 14 February 2017 which also gave authority to the making of a compulsory purchase order to enable the acquisition of any property interests that could not be acquired on a voluntary basis.
Planning applications for the redevelopment of the proposed clearance areas across the estate were approved by Planning Committee on 4 March 2021, and these will be built out by the Birmingham Municipal Housing Trust which is the housebuilding arm of the City Council. 267 new family homes are to be provided for both sale and rent.
The City Council has now made a compulsory purchase order to acquire the small number of properties across the clearance areas that are still in private ownership.
The Compulsory Purchase Order and the associated background documents can be viewed below:
BCC1 Birmingham City Council (Pool Farm Estate, Kings Norton) compulsory purchase order 2021 Statement of Reasons
BCC2 The Compulsory Purchase Order 8 October 2021
BCC3 The Order Map sealed and dated 8 October 2021
BCC5 Planning Application (Full) 2020/08312/PA Report to Planning Committee 4 March 2021 (Gildas Avenue)
BCC6 Planning Application (Full) 2020/08312/PA Site layout
BCC7 Planning Application (Full) 2020/08312/PA Decision Document
BCC8 Planning Application (Outline) 2020/08270/PA Report to Planning Committee 4 March 2021 (Hillmeads and Shannon Road)
BCC9 Planning Application (Outline) 2020/08270/PA Indicative site layout
BCC10 Planning Application (Outline) 2020/08270/PA Decision Document
BCC20 The Kings Norton 3 Estates Development Study December 2003
BCC21 Photographs of examples of recent BMHT developments
BCC22 Photographs of the Order Lands
*Some of the above documents are complex and whilst it has been made as accessible as possible, it may not be suitable for users of assistive technology.
If you need an accessible version, you can email Principal Development Planning Officer, Richard.l.Thomas@birmingham.gov.uk
Copies of the Order, plans and related documents can be inspected at the following office during normal opening hours.
Kings Norton Library
278 Pershore Road South
Birmingham, B30 3EU
Phone: 0121 464 1532
The objection period for the compulsory purchase order closed on 15 November 2021.