Planning policy consultation database
Birmingham City Council has a Planning Policy Consultation database which we use to notify organisations and individuals who have expressed an interest in being kept informed at key stages of the production of planning documents such as the emerging Birmingham Local Plan, Neighbourhood Plans and Supplementary Planning Documents.
We use this database to consult on the production of new documents or updates to existing planning documents, in accordance with the methods as set out in our Statement of Community Involvement.
You can sign up to the database via our online public consultation portal.
Alternatively, you can download a word version of the consent form and email the completed version to, or by post to:
Planning Policy,
Place, Prosperity and Sustainability,
Birmingham City Council,
PO Box 28,
Birmingham B1 1TU
You can opt to have your details removed from the database at any point. From time to time we may also contact you to in order to check whether you still wish to remain on the database.