Making safeguarding personal
While recognising that for some people there is a need to protect them, it is essential that we ensure we “make safeguarding personal”. It is essential that we understand what outcomes people want from safeguarding enquiries and actions. In this area, there is a balance to be achieved. It is essential that there is an effective Safeguarding Adults Board, that strategies are in place, that there is an effective team, that enquiries are robust, that there is excellent partnership working and there is high quality intelligence about safeguarding issues and performance. Further, it is essential that safeguarding is seen as everybody’s business and that staff across the care and health sector are aware of the issues and know how to deal effectively with safeguarding concerns. Also, it is essential that this issue is kept in the public eye.
To deliver this element of the strategy, work will continue to improve processes, through regular auditing and benchmarking against the quality assessment framework. Building on the implementation of a triage function in August 2022, demand and capacity will continue to be reviewed to ensure the area is resourced at a level proportionate to the risks that exist in the system.
Page last updated: 3 July 2024