Personalised support

People require and respond better to personalised services. The approach that works most effectively always puts users and carers at the centre and builds support round them rather than fitting people into rigid services. Essentially, there needs to be a strength-based approach to assessing people’s needs – building on the assets people, their families, friends and communities can offer to support them. Direct Payments will continue to be offered as an option for delivering support. They are the preferred option for delivering support because they maximise the opportunity for people to exercise choice and control.

In order to deliver this element of the strategy we are working in a more integrated way to deliver our social work and care management services. This is an ongoing journey as it is not desirable to throw all the pieces of the jigsaw up in the air at once. Our approach has moved from assessing people for services, to assessing them for the outcomes they desire and the assets they have to achieve them. We will continue to make improvements to the systems that support this area of service including the delivery of safeguarding. We will continue to develop services on a locality basis, to strengthen workers’ affinity to a local place, to strengthen joint working with workers from other services and to increase knowledge about the assets available in a local area.

Page last updated: 3 July 2024

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