Vision and aims

VisionPillars representing food system, labelled as environment, communities and economy

The Health and Wellbeing Board Strategy establishes a clear vision for the wider health and wellbeing of Birmingham - creating a bolder, healthier city. A citywide partnership of stakeholders from across the food system are building upon this foundation to establish the Birmingham Food System Strategy: Creating a Bolder, Healthier and More Sustainable Food City.

The Birmingham Food System Strategy vision is to:

“Create a fair, sustainable and prosperous food system and economy, where food options are nutritious, affordable and desirable so everyone can thrive.”

The three principles key to developing and delivering the strategy and action plan are:

  • collaborate – strengthen partnerships and build on existing good practice
  • empower – remover barriers and facilitate solutions
  • equalise – focus actions where they are needed most to reduce inequalities


Our aim is for a regenerative food system where our environment, our communities and our economy thrive.

A thriving food system is built on a strong foundation where we regenerate and improve our environment, communities and economy. Unsustainable practices damage the foundation of these pillars.

It is no longer enough to reduce negative outcomes by being sustainable or neutral. If we do this, nothing will improve so we must aim higher.

Our strategy is aiming higher and striving to stimulate regenerative practices in every part of our city’s food system. We will tackle the biggest barriers together, and partners across the city will collaborate to overcome them and develop a thriving regenerative city.

Read the Birmingham Food System Strategy to find out more about our vision and aims.

Page last updated: 29 August 2023

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