Books for babies
Babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers love songs and stories so can really benefit from using the library.
By bringing your baby to the library, you will be exposing them to a variety of new experiences, sights and sounds. Joining the library is free and you and your baby can borrow up to 8 items straight away. We offer a huge variety of books and materials for babies including; board books, noisy books, tactile and interactive books, as well as music CDs. Books for babies are small enough to be handled by little fingers, yet strong enough to withstand bumps and the occasional bite!
Show your baby how a book works; how to turn the pages and 'read' from left to right. Your baby will love to look at the bright and colourful illustrations and point at the shapes that they recognise. By surrounding your baby with books from an early age, they will see books as toys and want to return to them often.
You can show your growing child that reading is both good fun and a vital life skill by reading yourself at home. Teach your baby that words are everywhere by pointing out and saying aloud the words that are all around you, e.g. on food labels, road signs and shop windows.