How to use the Wolfson Centre for archival research

The Wolfson Centre is accessed by appointment only. You can book via our online booking system.

If you have any questions about booking an appointment, email us:

Booking an appointment

Each appointment lasts for a full day’s opening hours and is for one person.

On the booking form you can list up to 10 document reference numbers that you would like to view during your visit. Reference numbers need to be full file or item level document reference numbers where these are available on the catalogue so we can locate the items ready for your visit.

Once you open the booking form, you have 60 minutes to complete your booking. We recommend you have all of the document reference numbers you wish to request before you start.

Archives card

Archival material can only be viewed by people with an Archives card.

You will need to bring a valid Archives card when you visit.

Register for an Archives card

If you do not have an Archives card, register for one on the Archives card website before visiting.

You can collect your card on the day of your visit. You will need to bring 2 forms of identification:

  • proof of home address
  • proof of signature

Identifying material to view

To find out more about the collections and identify the material you would like to see:

There is guidance on using the catalogue on our blog and on YouTube.

Closed material

If any of the material you wish to request is marked 'closed (content)' or 'closed until assessed' on the catalogue, you must contact us before making the booking.

Fragile material is marked as 'closed (condition)' in the catalogue. We cannot make this material available. If we discover material to be fragile when we retrieve it, we will not be able to make it available to you.

Wolfson Centre Terms and Conditions of use

At your first visit each year, you will be asked to sign our Wolfson Centre Terms and Conditions of use.

Before you visit, read our full Wolfson Centre Searchroom Procedures.

Self-service copying

We operate self-service copying.

If you want to make copies of material you view, you will need to bring a camera device to take photographs (without flash) during your visit. There is a daily charge of £3.50. Payment will be taken when you visit.

Page last updated: 27 November 2024

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