Cabinet member for Social Justice, Community Safety and Equalities

Councillor Nicky Brennan

The Cabinet Member has accountability for the following:

  • City of Sanctuary, Asylum and Refugees, Modern Slavery and Trafficking.
  • Emergency Planning: Arrangements for the Council’s response to emergencies.
  • Social Cohesion and Inclusion: Approaches to ensure that all Birmingham citizens have opportunity across the social and economic life of the city, within a safe city - including in education, employment, housing, health and social care, civil society and political participation – whether these are delivered by the City Council itself, partner agencies, or by private or third sector organisations.
    • Holding to account other relevant Cabinet Members and officers for the delivery of those functions that impact on social cohesion and inclusion.
  • Equalities within the Community: Development and promotion of shared values and mutual respect across the diverse communities of Birmingham.
    • Ensuring that community and cultural events promote social cohesion and inclusion.
  • Tackling Inequality: Strategic approaches to reduce inequalities including around health, education and employment outcomes; ‘access to services’; and participation in civic life.
    • Neighbourhood advice and information services.
    • Holding to account other relevant Cabinet Members and officers for the delivery of those functions that impact on inequalities and inclusion.
  • Safer Communities: Strategic citywide leadership to community safety in Birmingham, including anti-social behaviour, fear of crime and public spaces and ensuring effective support for victims of crime.
    • Effective relationships and clear shared priorities with the Police and Crime Commissioner and West Midlands Police.
    • Leadership on youth offending issues.
    • CCTV and liaison with Police.
    • Strategic leadership in relation to Prevent.
  • Bereavement Services and Registry Office:  Strategic leadership for the development of Cemeteries, Crematoria and Mortuary and Coroners Court Services; and Register Office services.
  • Domestic Abuse: All Council activity relating to domestic abuse, its impact on families and children and implementing a city-wide domestic abuse strategy with partners including advice to the Cabinet Member for Housing and Homelessness on the provision of accommodation and taking advice from the Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care on the health implications of domestic violence.
  • Third Sector Partnership and Engagement: Working with, and coordination of, third sector and partner agencies around equalities, cohesion and inclusivity.
  • External Challenge Ensuring that partner agencies, private or third sector organisations are challenged on their contribution to improving social cohesion and inequalities.
  • Chair of Contest Board.
  • Chair of Prevent Board.

Read more in Birmingham's Community Cohesion Statement.

Page last updated: 22 May 2024

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