We continue to offer a programme of high-quality governor training during the current academic year. This training helps you develop the skills and knowledge needed for effective governance, whether you are in a maintained school, stand-alone academy or part of a multi-academy trust (MAT). There are modules on a wide range of topics and there is something to suit all governors whether you are new to the role or looking for further development.
All training modules are delivered online giving easy access for governors and have been designed to be both interactive and engaging. Feedback from the first year of delivering our training online has been very positive, with over 90% of delegates rating the content, the facilitator and the overall learning experience positively. The number of Birmingham school governors attending our training has increased by up to tenfold for some modules in comparison with the previous year.
We will continue to develop our training to make it as interactive and focussed on the needs of our Governor community as possible.