Offer emails

Parents or carers who have submitted an on-time online application will receive a newsletter with this information by email.

You have submitted an online application for your child’s secondary school place. As you will be aware, secondary school places will be offered on Friday 1 March 2024.

This update is to provide you with some useful information about the process and point you to additional support that will be available online.

As you applied online, you will be sent an email informing you which secondary school has been offered to your child. Emails will be sent on Friday 1 March 2024, and we expect that you will receive your email by 4:00pm. The exact time will depend on your email service provider. You will also receive your child’s offer by letter from 2 March 2024.

Do not contact us before you have received the offer of a school place.

The School Admissions team will be unable to inform you which secondary school place has been offered to your child by phone or email.

You must be in receipt of your email or letter before contacting the School Admissions team. You may contact School Admissions if you have not received your email or letter by Monday 4 March 2024.

Page last updated: 9 February 2024

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