Data we may collect

We collect personal data about you which includes your

  • name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • email address

together with the information you have given us in order to deal with enquiries or investigate a complaint. We may also require names, addresses of businesses and home addresses of business owners. We may require details of contracts with third parties such as commercial pest control contracts, waste disposal contracts etc.

Depending on what type of request we are dealing with we may require your date of birth, national insurance number, work history, and qualifications. We may require some medical information, food history and recent travel information if we are investigating a health and safety accident, health incident, food poisoning, or infectious disease.

In the case of Gypsy, Roma, Travellers in compliance with our duties to children and adults, questions will be asked of any welfare needs and any information voluntarily given to us may be passed to relevant agencies such as Education, Police, Housing etc. as appropriate.

Your information may be used to keep you updated on your enquiry, to help us deal with your enquiry, to investigate complaints, process licences/consents, to enforce statutory powers or under legal obligation under various UK laws.


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