The Prevent duty Information and support for schools and childcare providers on the Prevent duty and what it means. Due Diligence Checks for Outside SpeakersFile type: DOCXSize: 78.18 KBDownload: Due Diligence Checks for Outside Speakers EYFS Prevent CPDFile type: PPTXSize: 4.56 MBDownload: EYFS Prevent CPD Meeting the Prevent dutyFile type: PPTXSize: 968.4 KBDownload: Meeting the Prevent duty Post 16 Woodview without picturesFile type: PPTXSize: 4.63 MBDownload: Post 16 Woodview without pictures Prevent risk assessmentFile type: DOCSize: 164.5 KBDownload: Prevent risk assessment The Prevent dutyFile type: PDFSize: 233.9 KBDownload: The Prevent duty Primary Prevent CPDFile type: PPTXSize: 4.74 MBDownload: Primary Prevent CPD Secondary Prevent CPDFile type: PPTXSize: 5.02 MBDownload: Secondary Prevent CPD Special School Prevent CPDFile type: PPTXSize: 3.99 MBDownload: Special School Prevent CPD Stolen Lives Presentation - 14th JulyFile type: PPTXSize: 3.9 MBDownload: Stolen Lives Presentation - 14th July Workshop to raise awareness of PreventFile type: PPTXSize: 14.45 MBDownload: Workshop to raise awareness of Prevent