Frequently asked questions for schools
Please note that this information was last updated on 8 September 2022.
Where can I find details of the COVID-19 guidance for schools?
The government has provided updated guidance on managing covid:
Do students (under 18) still have to test for Covid?
It is not recommended that children and young people are tested for COVID-19 unless directed to by a health professional.
Do staff members still have to test for Covid?
No. There is no longer a legal requirement for students or staff of mainstream education settings to test routinely or isolate if they test positive. COVID-19 will be treated like any other respiratory illness and individuals have to make the determination of whether they are well enough to attend.
If a student tests positive, do they need to isolate?
If a child or young person has a positive COVID-19 test result they should try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 3 days after the day they took the test, if they can. After 3 days, if they feel well and do not have a high temperature, the risk of passing the infection on to others is much lower. This is because children and young people tend to be infectious to other people for less time than adults.
If a staff member tests positive, do they need to isolate?
A positive COVID-19 test result means it is very likely that they have COVID-19 even if they do not have any symptoms. Offer home working if this is possible to avoid spreading the infection.
Many people with COVID-19 will no longer be infectious to others after 5 days. Advice is to try to stay at home and avoid contact with other people for 5 days after the day of the test or if a staff member develops symptoms of a respiratory infection.
If a family member of student tests positive do they need to isolate?
Children and young people who usually go to school, college, or childcare and who live with someone who has a positive COVID-19 test result should continue to attend as normal.
If a household contact of a staff member tests positive do they need to isolate?
If you are a household or overnight contact of someone who has had a positive COVID -19 test result it can take up to 10 days for your infection to develop. It is possible to pass on COVID-19 to others, even if you have no symptoms. Take steps to protect yourself, however isolation isn’t required.
Further guidance and support
If support is needed to manage outbreaks, contact UKHSA by emailing or calling 0344 225 3560.
Last updated 30 September 2022