The Schools Admission Code for children in care and previously in care

Both children in care and previously looked after children have been given the highest priority within school admission arrangements and oversubscription criteria.

The admission requirements for children in care are set out on the Admissions Code 2021.

This applies to maintained schools and academies, including free schools.

All schools must have oversubscription criteria for each ‘relevant age group’ and the highest priority must be given to looked-after children and all previously looked after children.

This includes those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

However, there are some exceptions.

  • If the school is of a particular religious denomination, priority may be given to looked-after children of that particular faith, followed by other children of that faith.
  • Other looked after children would therefore come third on the school’s admission criteria.
  • If the school was full, it would be unlikely that they would be admitted.

The new school Admissions Code 2021 came into force on 1 September 2021.

It is imperative that it is clearly stated that the child is a looked-after child on the application form.

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