Maps of interest on open access
A wide selection of the most frequently requested and relevant Ordnance Survey and privately surveyed maps are accessible to view in reproduction form in the map space in the Heritage Research Area on level 4. Editions include:
- Ordnance Survey 1 : 500 Birmingham (1887 to 1889).
- Ordnance Survey 1 : 1250 Birmingham.
- First edition and current for the following maps:
- SP 0585 – 0589
- SP 0685 – 0689
- SP 0785 – 0789
- SP 0885 – 0889
- SP 0985 – 0989
- First edition and current for the following maps:
All other editions are held in our stores.
- Ordnance Survey 1 : 10 000 Birmingham and West Midlands
- Current editions only
- SJ 80 – SK 01
- SK 10 – SO 87
- SO 88 – SO 99
- SP 06 - SP 29
- Current editions only
All other editions are held in our stores including superseded national coverage.
- Ordnance Survey Birmingham 25 inch. c1884 to c1939.
- Goad Fire Insurance maps for Birmingham, 1889 to 1959.
- Goad shopping maps for Birmingham. Current editions only.
All other editions are held in our stores.
- Birmingham ward maps, contemporary and historic.
- Birmingham surveyed maps and prospect views. 18th to 20th centuries.
All other editions are held in our stores.