
Birmingham’s Public Art Strategy 2015 to 2019 considers the definition of public art in its widest sense. It retells the story of a century of rich and varied public art practices in Birmingham that have laid the bedrock for a strong future of creativity for decades to come. It imagines what could come next and how we could collaborate to make it happen.

The strategy:

  • sets out a clear vision for public art in Birmingham
  • advocates the role of public art for Birmingham’s economy and communities
  • ensures public art programmes are included in new developments where appropriate, and in particular, major developments
  • encourages partnership working with a range of private and public stakeholders to diversify and strengthen sustainable funding for public art in Birmingham
  • ensures the management and maintenance of our public art is appropriate and of a high quality
  • engages artists, residents and other partners with the developments in their city through public art programmes
  • improves conditions for adequately funded new art commissioning and collaborative place-based creative practice for temporary and permanent art
  • provides policies and guidance in regard to development and implementation of public art in Birmingham, ensuring public art enquiries and new schemes are taken through the Public Art Gateway Group (PAGG)

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