How we assess planning applications

Process overview

Our assessment process supports the timely determinations of a planning application.  

When a planning application has been validated and an acknowledgement letter has been sent, the officer will carry out:

  • all necessary consultation
  • site visits
  • an assessment based on the details submitted

The case officer will only contact the applicant or agent where they need:

  • to arrange access to the site
  • minor clarification of details
  • to agree conditions.

Applicants and their agents are expected to have had regard to relevant planning policies for their scheme. Where the details submitted are clear and enable the proposal to be fully assessed against policy and the proposal meets with policy criteria, the case officer will recommend approval.

Where applications require minor amendments for them to be acceptable, the applicant or agent will be contacted in writing, with the changes that are required and deadline for the submission of the amended details.

If the applicant does not wish to make the changes, or if revised plans are not received by the deadline, the application will be determined based on the original submission details.

Where amended plans are submitted and these have not adhered to planning officer's advice and do not overcome the concerns raised, the case officer will not seek further amendments and will determine the application based on the details provided.

Planning permission will normally be refused without any negotiation or communication where proposals:

  • are unacceptable in principle
  • are found to lack important basic information
  • contain conflicting information - such as plans not corresponding with one another
  • would need to be significantly amended or re-designed to comply with our planning policies and supplementary planning guidance 

This protocol reflects national planning policy, which states that decisions on applications should be made as quickly as possible and that local planning authorities should approach decisions on proposed development in a positive and creative way using the range of planning tools available.

Where schemes have been refused, the pre-application service will be offered to discuss alternative schemes. No other form of further communication or negotiations will be entered into about the refused application.

Benefits of entering into pre-application discussions

Applicants and their agents are encouraged to seek pre-application advice.

This is a chargeable service that provides the benefit of sharing your scheme with a planning officer before it is formally submitted. Through pre-application advice a planning officer will be able to:

  • verify the list of plans and details that should be submitted with your formal planning application, reducing the likelihood of you submitting an invalid application
  • highlight any planning and site constraints that you need to be aware of and address in your proposals
  • help you to understand the main planning policy and other material matters that would need to be considered when you formally submit your application
  • advise of any other pre-application advice that may be sought given the particular site considerations, for example, ecology, transportation, flooding

Find out more about pre-application advice and planning performance

Householder planning submission guidance

The planning system seeks to ensure that sustainable development is approved.

In householder terms this means ensuring that the design, size and location of any extension is sympathetic to the existing house and respects its surroundings including, ensuring the privacy and light enjoyed by any neighbouring properties.

The council has adopted Birmingham Design Guide which includes Healthy Living and Working Places City Manual (September 2022).

  • City notes LW-3 and LW-4 of the Healthy Living and Working Places City Manual set out how the council will assess light and privacy impact to neighbouring properties.
  • City notes LW16 – LW22 deal with design guidance for householder additions.

This design guide will be used to assess any householder planning application. We strongly encourage applicants, and their agents, to consider these notes when developing their proposals, and before submitting any application.

Download the Healthy Living and Working Places City Manual

Page last updated: 24 October 2024

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