What we are doing to fix the problem
We are accelerating improvements in several areas, these have been summarised below:
Fire safety risk assessments (low-rise blocks)
- We are working closely with our contractors to accelerate a programme of fire-risk assessments in low-rise blocks
- We are reviewing and updating our data systems to make sure all relevant low-rise blocks are included in the fire risk assessment programme
Asbestos management surveys
- We commit to completing all relevant asbestos management surveys in high-rise blocks by the end of June 2023
- We commit to delivering the full programme of asbestos management surveys within 15 months
Electrical Safety
- We are working closely with our contractors to accelerate the programme of electrical safety checks within homes
- We are reviewing our data systems to make sure any outstanding action from previous checks are completed
- Following the special report that Housing Ombudsman forwarded to the Regulator, we have worked collaboratively with the Housing Ombudsman to rectify all immediate actions set out with the Paragraph 49 report, and they have confirmed all the recommendations from their report have been completed
- We commit to completing any outstanding actions from the Housing Ombudsman’s special report within the next six months
- We have recruited 10 extra officers to help us to manage rising complaint volumes
- We have seen improvements around how quickly we respond to complaints; this has increased by 18 percent in the last month
Decent Homes
- We have already committed an additional £40million investment on top of existing budgets for our homes across 2023/2024
- We are working with industry experts to develop a 30-year investment plan which will help us afford to make the vital investment into people’s homes
- We have provided contractors with an additional £2million and hope to supplement this within additional investment from the West Midlands Combined Authority to undertake targeted work on specific areas like damp and mould, and disrepair
Page last updated: 22 May 2023