High Street Harborne public inquiry
On 24 May 2024 the Inspector formally closed the inquiry.
A planning application for 83 apartments (2022/06737/PA) at 334-340 High Street and 8-22 Harborne Park Road was refused by the council on 4 July 2023. The applicant submitted an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate which will be considered by a Planning Inspector through a public inquiry (APP/P4605/W/23/3336011).
High Street Harborne public inquiry - updated inquiry programme
The public inquiry will start at 10:00am on Tuesday 30 April 2024 at the following venue: The Auditorium, 10 Woodcock Street, Birmingham, B7 4BL.
It is expected to last for approximately 6 days.
Day 1 of the inquiry will be the only in-person meeting. Anyone may attend and, at the Inspector's discretion, give their views, or send someone else to attend on their behalf. If you wish to speak you are encouraged to attend day 1 in person on 30 April 2024 reporting to the venue by 9:45am.
The rest of the inquiry, scheduled for May 2, 3, 8, 9, and 10, will be conducted entirely online from 9:30am each day. If you wish to speak at one of these virtual events write an email to planning.appeals@birmingham.gov.uk.
A live stream of virtual days of the inquiry can be accessed below:
- Thursday 2 May morning
- Thursday 2 May afternoon
- Friday 3 May morning
- Friday 3 May afternoon
- Wednesday 8 May morning
- Wednesday 8 May afternoon
- Thursday 9 May morning
- Friday 10 May afternoon
Further information on using Microsoft Teams
All core documents associated with the appeal are available to download below:
CD1 Application documents and plans
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create some of the CD1 downloads in an accessible format to publish on this website. You can still view them on the Planning Appeals Search website.
Step 1: Enter reference: 2022/06737/PA in the application number search field
Step 2: Scroll down and click 'search'
Step 3: Click the hyperlink in the 'application number' column
Step 4: Under the 'other appeal details' heading, click the view related documents link and scroll to view the following:
1.21 Transport Assessment (June 2022)
1.22 Framework Travel Plan (June 2022)
1.23 Sunlight and Daylight Assessment Rev 2 (June 2022)
1.24 Air Quality Assessment (June 2022)
1.25 Noise Impact Assessment Report (July 2022)
1.26 Design and Access Statement (August 2022)
1.27 Planning Statement (August 2022)
1.28 Financial Viability Appraisal (August 2022)
1.31 Surface Water Drainage Strategy (June 2022)
1.32 Energy and Sustainability Statement (June 2022)
1.33 Energy Statement Supplement (May 2023)
CD2 Additional amended reports and plans submitted after validation
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create some of the CD2 downloads in an accessible format for this website. You can still view them on the Planning Appeals Search website.
Step 1: Enter reference: 2022/06737/PA in the application number search field
Step 2: Scroll down and click 'search'
Step 3: Click the hyperlink in the 'application number' column
Step 4: Under the 'other appeal details' heading, click the view related documents link and scroll to view the following:
2.1 Addendum Transport Assessment and Framework Travel Plan (January 2024)
2.2 Updated Financial Viability Assessment (November 2023)
CD3 Committee report and decision notice
CD4 The development plan
4.1 Adopted Birmingham development plan
4.2 Development management in Birmingham DPD
CD6 Relevant appeal decisions
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create some of the CD6 downloads in an accessible format to publish on this website. You can still view them on the Planning Appeals Search website.
Step 1: Enter reference: 2022/06737/PA in the application number search field
Step 2: Scroll down and click 'search'
Step 3: Click the hyperlink in the 'application number' column
Step 4: Under the 'other appeal details' heading, click the view related documents link and scroll to view the following:
6.2 193 Camp Hill, Digbeth, Birmingham dated 8 March 2021 (APP/P4605/W/20/3250072)
6.5 Runwell Road, Wickford, Basildon dated 14 September 2021 (APP/V1505/W/20/3251827)
CD8 Other types of documents
8.1 National Planning Policy Framework (December 2023)
8.2 Planning practice guidance
8.3 National model design code
8.3a National Design Guide (January 2021)
8.4 Birmingham design Guide (6 September 2022)
8.5 Birmingham parking SPD (November 2021)
8.6 Shopping and local centres SPD (March 2012)
8.7 Public open space in new residential development SPD (July 2007)
8.8 Affordable housing SPG (September 2021)
8.9 Birmingham housing and economic development needs assessment (HEDNA) (April 2022)
8.10 5 year land supply 2023 to 2028
8.11 Officer report 2017/07064/PA
8.12 Decision notice 2017/07064/PA
8.13 Harborne Park Road elevations approved under application 2017/07064/PA
8.14 Officer's report
8.15 Pre-application submission (stage one report)
8.16 Transportation comments - 12 October 2022
8.17 Independent Review of Financial Viability Assessment
8.18 MHCLG Build Back Better High Streets (July 2021)
8.19 MHCLG Towns Fund Prospectus (November 2019)
8.20 Birmingham Development Plan Examining Inspector’s Report (March 2016)
8.21 ONS High streets in Great Britain: March, 2020 (August 2020)
8.22 Levelling Up White Paper (February 2022)
8.23 House of Commons Library Research Briefing (May 2023)
8.24 Wider Selly Oak Supplementary Planning Document (June 2015)
CD9 Appellant's case
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create some of the CD9 downloads in an accessible format to publish on this website. You can still view them on the Planning Appeals Search website.
Step 1: Enter reference: 2022/06737/PA in the application number search field
Step 2: Scroll down and click 'search'
Step 3: Click the hyperlink in the 'application number' column
Step 4: Under the 'other appeal details' heading, click the view related documents link and scroll to view the following:
9.2 Proof of Evidence (Mr Ian Saunders)
9.3 Proof of Evidence (Mr Adrian Simms)
9.4 Proof of Evidence (Mr Stuart Wells)
CD10 Council's case
CD11 Statements of common ground and conditions
ID inquiry documents
Access the ID inquiry documents
Unfortunately, we have not been able to create document ID21 (signed S106 agreement) in an accessible format to publish on this website. You can still view it on the Planning Appeals Search website.
Step 1: Enter reference: 2022/06737/PA in the application number search field
Step 2: Scroll down and click 'search'
Step 3: Click the hyperlink in the 'application number' column
Step 4: Under the 'other appeal details' heading, click the view related documents link and scroll until you find the relevant document
Page last updated: 28 May 2024