Normal admission round
The normal admissions round is the term used for school transition points:
- starting primary school in reception class
- moving your child from year 2 from a linked infant school to year 3 at the linked junior school
- transferring to a secondary school from a primary school
- starting your child at University Technical College (for ages 14 to 19) in year 10 from their current secondary school
Parents/carers express a minimum of 3 preferences for a place at a school, in their preferred rank order on the common application form (CAF) via the local authority they live in.
Linked nurseries, infant and junior schools
You must also apply for a place:
- in Reception class even if your child attends the linked nursery.
For more information, see applying for reception class or primary school - in year 3 if your child is in year 2 at an infant school that has a linked junior school
How to apply
To apply for a school place in Birmingham, see our school admissions section.
We have information on applying for:
- Reception places at primary schools
- transfer from infant to junior school
- secondary schools (Year 7)
- Grammar schools
If you are applying online for the first time, you will need to register for online school admissions
Page last updated: 15 May 2024