Preparation for Adulthood Service (Adults PfA)

The Transitions and Preparation for Adulthood service is designed to support young people and to engage with them earlier to ensure they have a smoother transition into adulthood.

We work to create personalised support for each young person who needs our help. This support varies from one-to-one or group sessions depending on the needs of the young person. We work to make sure that all support is tailored to the needs of the individual to best help meet their needs and aspirations. It is important that we work collaboratively with the young person, so they have a voice and control over what their support contains and focuses on.

We have now aligned the Preparation for Adulthood (PFA) and the Statutory Transitions team into a single overarching unit. This means there is greater opportunity for our professionals to work together and give a more cohesive experience for the young people we support.

The focus and purpose of both teams remains the same. Our aim is to support young adults, between the age of 18-25 with learning disabilities, autism or other eligible needs, to access a funded service from Adult Social Care based on the Care Act eligibility criteria. We help them to set their own goals and make positive choices to help achieve them.

For Preparation for Adulthood and Non-Statutory Support our aim is to support young people and adults between the ages of 14-25. We provide one-to-one support to improve emotional well-being and resilience.

Meet the team

Our team are professionals with a wealth of experience and a range of skills and specialisms all dedicated to supporting young people and adults. For example within the team we have coaching and resilience workers, social workers, employment support officers and independent living skills officers.

YES! Youth Empowerment Squad

YES! is a group of young people that work collaboratively with the council team to help improve services for children and young people who have additional support needs to help promote support and positive outcomes.

Page last updated: 27 November 2023

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