Information sharing
To ensure that we can provide you with the best possible service we may have to share your personal data between our internal teams or external partners. We will only share the minimum information for each circumstance.
Our external partners include:
- Health service providers including NHS agencies (GPs, hospitals, ambulance, health visitors, mental health services)
- Education providers
- Care providers e.g. day care, domiciliary, residential
- Government agencies (e.g. Department of Health, Department of Work and Pensions)
- Support groups for people with disabilities
- Local Government
- Police
- Substance misuse agencies
- Advocacy services
- Fire and rescue services
- Prepaid card providers
- Direct payment support services agencies
- Housing associations
- Technology assistance providers
In addition, if you are receiving support from Adult Social Care, then the NHS may share your NHS number with us. This is so that the NHS and Adult Social Care are using the same number to identify you whilst providing your care. By using the same number, the NHS and Adult Social Care can work together more closely to support you.
We will use the NHS number in an integrated care record system across several support services including:
- GPs
- Hospitals
- Community matrons
- District nurses
- Social care practitioners
We may also use Data Processors to support these activities, for example by providing the systems we need or delivering services on our behalf.
These include:
- Our case management system Carefirst 6 or e-records
- Careline our facilities management company
- Other data processors supporting your care might include domiciliary care providers, residential nursing care providers, day care providers, education providers and prepaid card providers within the European Economic Area
We may also share your information with third parties, other than those who either process information on our behalf or because of a legal requirement/entitlement, and it will only do so if necessary or where permitted under data protection legislation.
As well as public bodies we may also share information with utility companies, credit reference agencies and service providers/contractors where the disclosure of such information is required to protect the public purse or is otherwise necessary to comply with any other legal obligation.