Purpose of processing
We collect, hold and use personal data received by you to enable us to provide services to you. The amount and type of information we hold on you depends on the services we are providing to you.
If you use different council services then we will provide you separate privacy notices for each of those services, detailing how we use your personal data to provide that service in line with the data protection principles below. We will not ask you for any information which is not necessary for the particular service we are providing to you.
Services within adult social care include:
The role of the whole of ACAP is to respond when contacted by adults and/or their advocates in relation to social care enquiries and services in line with the requirements of the Care Act 2014. This is the first access point to enquiring about adult social care.
Adult family group conference
Provides ongoing social care support to adults who currently receive an adult social care service.
Accessible information, interpretation and translation
The service brings together social work teams with visual impairment register services, citizens with sight loss and eye health conditions who require support in accessing information about our services. We work in partnership with other agencies to provide such specialist services.
The accessible information, interpreting translation, service offers corporately, translation of documentation into world languages, spoken language Interpreting into world languages, Telephone Interpreting, Sign Language Interpreting, Transcription of English into accessible information such as Braille etc, also Information, advice and guidance.
Adult safeguarding
Supports safeguarding concerns by assuring that local safeguarding arrangements are in place as defined by the Care Act 2014 and statutory guidance. Ensure that safeguarding practice is person-centred and outcome-focused and by working collaboratively to prevent abuse and neglect where possible. Ensuring agencies and individuals give timely and proportionate responses when abuse or neglect has occurred.
Advocacy services
Our charity partner provides information, advocacy and advice services, offering direct and local support via professionals and volunteers.
Pohwer is a charity that provides information, advocacy and advice services across England, offering direct and local support via professionals and volunteers. Their independent, free services reach individuals struggling with particular challenges in their lives.
Assessment and support planning
Social care assessments, reviews and plans aim to identify the needs of the citizen may have and what outcomes they are seeking to achieve to maintain or improve their well-being.
Client financial services
The Care Act 2014 charging framework is intended to make charging for care and support fairer and more clearly understood by everyone with the overarching principle that people should only be required to pay what they can afford. To ensure that citizens are not charged more than it is reasonably practicable for them to pay and to reduce variation in the way people are assessed and charged
CFS oversee Direct Payments, the preferred method that allow a citizens’ personal budget to arrange and pay for care and support instead of the council arranging the services.
Complex care
Provides social care support to adults who have complex adult social care needs/behaviours. The primary aim of our Adult Locality Duty Teams is to respond quickly to adults who need support and are facing crisis situations in their life.
Connect to Support
An online information and advice guide, community directory and marketplace for citizens of Birmingham.
Continuing health care
Handover of clinical and non-clinical cases between NHS Continuing Healthcare Team
Data quality
Ensures the quality our services are maintained and details the data quality standards expected from our adult social care services.
Early intervention service/hospitals
Assesses and provides social care support to adults who are not currently receiving a social care service and is part of the Early Intervention Service. The Enhanced Assessment (EA) Bed Service supports patients who cannot return to their own home or move into their identified placement, at the point when they no longer require a hospital bed due to their medical care being concluded. Occupational Therapists are integrated across assessment and support planning teams offering specialist assessments.
Health and Safety
Provides advice on health and safety management for social care staff when working agile in supporting citizens in the community and not in isolation to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act and all subordinate regulations.
Mental capacity and liberty safeguards
We will work with citizens who can’t make decisions for themselves and care for people who can’t make decisions for themselves. Support for people who can't make or understand important decision and don’t have family or friends who are able to help.
Mental health
Working with partner organisations minimising the undesirable effects of a mental disorder, by maximising safety, and improving the mental/physical well-being of citizens, through promoting their recovery, as well as protecting others from harm.
Prisons and approved premises
Adult social care is responsible for assessing and meeting the care and support needs of prisoners in any prisons located in their area. If the prisoner is assessed as having needs which meet those criteria, the council will be required to meet those needs Where the prison or the approved premises is located, to assess and where the criteria is met, provides prisoners with support to meet social care needs
Research governance
Researches into health, wellbeing, lifestyle and social circumstances of adults in Birmingham.
Social care assessments, reviews and plans
The aim is to identify the needs of the citizen may have and what outcomes they are seeking to achieve to maintain or improve their well-being.
Specialist care services
Ensures that any assistance provided is consistent and equitable and that the benefits adults receive to help with mobility are used to meet transport needs.
Shared lives
A shared lives carer shares their home and family life with an adult who needs support to live an enjoyable life.
Supported living
Supported living can help if you do not want to live in residential care but you're finding it difficult to cope at home. They're a combination of suitable accommodation with some forms of personal care (like help with washing or cooking).
Page last updated: 15 January 2024