Personal data
We collect, hold and use the minimum personal data possible received by you to enable us to provide your services. Wherever possible we use non-identifiable personal information.
The services may use some or all the personal information below:
- Name and contact details
- Carefirst6 ID
- NHS number
- Family details
- Lifestyle and social circumstances
- Financial details
- Medical conditions
- Housing needs
- Visual images, personal appearance and behaviour
- Case file information
- Criminal proceedings, outcomes and sentences
- Physical or mental health details
- Racial or ethnic origin
- Offences (including alleged offences)
- Religious or other beliefs of a similar nature
- Social Care support outcomes
- Advocacy details
We get most of this information from you, but we may also get some of this data from:
- Health agencies
- Police
- Probation
- Members of the public (referrer)
- Commissioned partners
- Clinical Commissioned Groups (CCG’s)
- Family members
- Other BCC Social Care teams