Recommended actions for staff and governors

Designate a member of staff to have the responsibility of promoting the educational achievement of PLAC pupils.

If it is not the schools existing designated teacher for children in care, we advise they provide advice and support to each other professionally in school.

Additional support is offered to meet the needs of looked after and previously looked after children who are at risk of under achieving and that the curriculum is sufficiently flexible to increase accessibility for vulnerable pupils.

The member of staff should annually complete a SEF on the strategic work the school undertakes to support looked after and previously looked after.

Refer to the School Evaluation Framework.

Ensure the designated person has appropriate training.

Governing bodies should, through the DT for PLAC, hold the school to account on how it supports its previously looked after children (including how the PP+ is used) and their level of progress.

  • We expect as good practice that schools appoint a governor with responsibilities for previously looked after children. However, there is no legal requirement on schools to appoint a governor with special responsibilities for looked after and previously looked after children. It is up to individual governing bodies to consider the most effective way to support this group
  • In most schools, governing bodies have nominated a Governor or created a sub-committee for vulnerable children to promote the needs of this group
  • It is recommended, Governors receive from the designated teacher at least one annual report (as a minimum), form the designated teacher in order to monitor the progress of their looked after and previously looked after children. Governors should consider the report, alongside the school leadership team and act on any issues it raises, in order to support the designated teacher and maximize the impact of the role
  • Good practice recommends, a link between the designated teacher and nominated governor, which is regularly reviewed on PLAC progress, acknowledging their needs, concerns or complaints, as stated in the school policy

Governors should know

Number and progress

The number of looked after and previously looked after children on roll and how well they are performing compared to other young people in the school.


The school targets for looked after children and previously looked after children around end of key stage tests and G.C.S.E’s.


How Pupil premium Plus is being used to accelerate the progress of each looked after child including those that are high achieving pupils.

Attachment and trauma – Adverse childhood experiences

The impact of attachment and trauma on the education of looked after children.

Attendance and exclusion

They should be aware that the attendance and exclusions of this specific group is closely monitored and understand what their school is doing to avoid the exclusion of looked after and previously looked after children.


Understand the safeguarding risks around looked after children excluded or on part-time timetables.


The admissions code in relation to looked after and previously looked after children, and the importance of minimizing delay in the admission of looked after children.


Whether any looked after or previously looked after children have special educational needs (SEND) and whether those needs are being identified and met.


What resource implications there might be in supporting the designated teacher to carry out their role.

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