Educational plan for adopted children (EPAC)

What happens before the AO / SGO / CAO has been awarded?

There will be a final PEP meeting which will be attended by a member of BVS and possibly the PLAC Advisor to agree targets and ascertain future support.

Who chairs these meetings (Pep / EPAC)?

  • Early Years meetings will be chaired, and minutes taken by the Early Years Advisor, who is linked to the educational setting.
  • For schools, colleges and other educational settings, parents will decide who will attend the meeting. The educational setting, decides who (i.e. designated person) will chair, take minutes and which other professional(s), need to be invited.

Our EPAC - Education Plans, for AO (adoption order), SGO (special guardianship order) and CAO (child arrangement order), can be used in these meetings.

This document is to be kept in the education setting and is a confidential working document.

It is divided into different sections, to meet the needs of the Young Person.

If you would like to use these Education Plans in your meetings, contact Birmingham Virtual School

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