Change to domain names

The UK government’s secure email service, Government Connect Secure Extranet (GCSx), is no longer in use.

At the end of March 2019, the original gsi-family domain names (,, or were changed to government domains like,, or using Transport Layer Security (TLS) v1.2 or later.

All public sector organisations must now meet the government’s secure email standards. To meet these standards, Birmingham City Council and Birmingham Children's Trust are accredited to send and receive sensitive and confidential information from other secure organisations using Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption, without the need for using the above mentioned GCSx email addresses.

The domain names and addresses are now used for all email exchanges.

There is no need to do anything to enable TLS, as it runs as backend technology to protect data.

Secure email exchanges enabled by TLS are only possible if the email domains of partner organisations are included in the TLS users list.

Further information:

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