Childhood obesity Birmingham Childhood Obesity Scrutiny ReportFile type: PDFSize: 608.86 KBDownload: Birmingham Childhood Obesity Scrutiny Report Childhood Obesity Pathway for Primary CareFile type: PDFSize: 64.41 KBDownload: Childhood Obesity Pathway for Primary Care Eating Well at School - Nutritional and Practical GuidelinesFile type: PDFSize: 541.98 KBDownload: Eating Well at School - Nutritional and Practical Guidelines Evidence Briefing - Support health and activity in schoolsFile type: PDFSize: 1.21 MBDownload: Evidence Briefing - Support health and activity in schools Fit for the Future Childhood Obesity StrategyFile type: PDFSize: 192.09 KBDownload: Fit for the Future Childhood Obesity Strategy Health Day ToolkitFile type: PDFSize: 1.45 MBDownload: Health Day Toolkit Healthy You PosterFile type: PDFSize: 328.71 KBDownload: Healthy You Poster Lifestyles leafletFile type: PDFSize: 540.32 KBDownload: Lifestyles leaflet JSNA Childhood ObesityFile type: PDFSize: 724.5 KBDownload: JSNA Childhood Obesity Toolkit covering letter to ITE providersFile type: DOCXSize: 31.05 KBDownload: Toolkit covering letter to ITE providers