Adult Social Care - care centre public consultation

About the consultation

The Adult Social Care - care centres public consultation runs from 14 October 2024 to 20 December 2024.

Birmingham City Council currently provides residential care for adults at 3 care centres across Birmingham:

  • Ann Marie Howes Centre
  • Perry Trees Centre
  • Kenrick Centre.

The council wants the best quality of life for all its citizens. However, we must also ensure our services are efficient and provide value for money.

The council’s budget that was approved earlier in the year and recommended a review of the care centres, looking at how the services they provide can be delivered as efficiently as possible. This review has identified a range of options about how these services could be delivered more efficiently in future.

We are currently inviting people who live at the centres or may use the centres, to help shape the future of these services.

The consultation aims to gain feedback on the options available for the future of the care centres and in particular on the preferred option.

The preferred option is for the council to stop operating these services in future and for the council to support current residents to find a new care home and to rent the current care centres to the NHS (or others).

You should read the consultation questionnaire alongside the care centres public consultation document that explains the:

  • current service
  • outcome of a recent review
  • range of options that are being consulted upon

The purpose of the consultation is to make sure that you have a chance to tell us your views on the proposals.

While savings have been announced for this service, we want to reassure you that no decisions have yet been made about what the care centre service will look like in the future.

The views you share as part of the consultation will be considered, and a final proposal and report will be presented to the council’s Cabinet in March 2025, to allow us to thoroughly review and analyse all responses received during the consultation period.

To find out more about our consultation and how you can take part, we suggest that you read the care centres consultation documents:

Download ASC - Care centres consultation document

Download ASC - Care centres consultation easy read document

Download ASC - Care centres consultation FAQs version 3 - If you would like a copy of the FAQs in an easy read format, email:

Equality Impact Assessment - Review of care centres

Download ASC - Care centres health impact assessment

Have your say

Our survey

The online survey aims to capture your feedback on what the future of our care centres could look like under the proposed options.

Residential Care Centres Consultation October 2024

The survey opens at midday on Monday 14 October 2024 and closes at midday on Friday 20 December 2024.

Our public meetings

The in-person consultations will take place from 22 October to 14 November 2024.

For events aimed at current residents and their families, invitations will be sent out by letter. They are not open to the public.

ASC - Care centres public consultation schedule

Page last updated: 23 January 2025

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