Help and support in Birmingham
If you are having suicidal thoughts, please speak to an organisation best for you below to support you.
Birmingham Mind helpline: 0121 262 3555 (24hrs – for adults and young people). If you require details of the helpline in different languages they can be accessed on their website. Talking Spaces in Erdington and Northfield aim to provide a safe and welcoming place where people can go outside normal working hours if they are feeling emotionally distressed or are in a mental health crisis. Find out more on the Birmingham Mind website.
CRUSE Bereavement Care: 0121 687 8010 (support available for anyone both personally and professionally affected by any type of bereavement, including suicide bereavement). Support in languages such as Punjabi, Urdu, Arabic and Hindi is available. Additional languages can also be requested.
The Waiting Room. Health and wellbeing services across Birmingham and Solihull).
Page last updated: 9 January 2023