West locality

Map of Birmingham showing area covered by west locality

West locality is made up of Ladywood and Perry Barr constituencies.

  • The West locality had a population of approximately 263,919, 23.1% of Birmingham’s population, with an average age of 32.9 years; this is higher for females (33.4 years) and lower for males (32.3 years).
  • Life expectancy for females in the West locality was 83.0 which was higher than that for Birmingham females (82.6); but was low for males (77.3) compared to Birmingham males (78.4).
  • Infant mortality makes up 37.2% of excess years of life lost for the Ladywood constituency and 22.4% in the Perry Barr constituency.
  • Common causes of early deaths for both Ladywood and Perry Barr include coronary heart disease (17% and 10.6%, respectively) and accidental poisoning (14.9% and 11.3%, respectively).
  • COVID-19 accounted for 24.7% of all deaths in the West, the highest of all five localities. The locality had the worst rates for the first, second and booster vaccine uptake at 58%, 51% and 29%, respectively.
  • The West locality had more than half (51%) of its population (136,078) living in the most deprived decile and more than one in three (37.5%) children live in absolute poverty.
  • The admission rate in the West for violent crime was the highest of all localities (72 per 100,000) and was much worse than that found in England (42 per 100,000)
  • The West recorded the second highest prevalence for diabetes (9.8%) of all five localities.

Download the full 2022 profile for West locality

Download the full 2019 profile for West locality

West locality is made of 2 constituencies:

Birmingham Public Health have produced health inequality infographics for each of Birmingham’s 69 wards:

Public Health reports for smaller area geographies such as wards and MSOA are available using Public Health England’s Local Health web tool.

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