Open days and evenings or virtual events

Schools may have open sessions or evenings that you can attend to have a look around the school or instead, virtual events may take place.

Visit the schools' own website for further details.

If the child has special educational needs or a disability (SEND) consider whether your chosen schools are suitable for their specific educational needs.

Talk to school staff at the open days or evenings where they are taking place or contact them via other methods such as by phone or email.

Use our contact form on the Birmingham Virtual School website to submit an education placement referral, if the application process is complicated by one of the following reasons:

  • The child/young person’s local schools are judged less than good by Ofsted (as it is a DfE recommendation that children in care should be educated in schools good or better).
  • The young person is likely to move care placement before the school place is named.
  • The carer has expressed a strong view they do not want to apply for local schools.
  • The young person has been assessed with additional needs but does not have an EHCP. Advice should be sought from Birmingham City Council’s SEND parent link advisors.
  • Application is being made to a school that has additional admissions criteria such as Faith schools, voluntary aided faith schools, selective admission schools and those requiring entrance exams for a place such. as grammar schools. For all of these schools there will be dates set by the school for admission applications in advance of the close of the central admissions round deadlines.
  • The young person has specific additional needs (where a child already has an EHCP) Birmingham’s SENAR service and other key professionals will work with you through a transition planning meeting for admissions applications 12 months in advance of the required school transition.
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