
Table of business indexes
Index Scope Location
Patent Index. (Local). (1722 to 1865).
A patent is a grant made by government conferring upon the creator or owner of an invention the sole right to make, use and sell that invention for a set period of time.
Indexes are arranged by subject, author and patentee. The subject index lists the date, patent number and name of owner. The author index provides the date, name of the invention/process and patent number. The patentee index will again provide date, but will list a series of inventions and their relevant patent numbers.
A patentee is the party who possesses or has been granted a patent and appears on a government registry as the owner.
Author of the patent is the inventor who has the right to sell their patent to a third party (patentee).
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Sales Catalogue Index
A large collection of historical sales catalogues for premises including farmsteads and estates. Coverage runs from the late 19th to the late 20th centuries. Chiefly for Birmingham plus certain locations in Warwickshire.
Consolidated alphabetical index combining street names, suburbs plus the name of the premises if provided. Card catalogue in microfilm cabinet 24 (HRA)
Trade Card Index
Relates to companies who in the late eighteenth to early 19th centuries produced a series of small cards which were distributed to clients and customers advertising wares along with the location of premises for purchase. Many employed increasingly sophisticated designs. Has national coverage.
One index arranged according to the name of the business whilst the second is filed according to trade and a third by place in the UK. Ask a member of staff
Trade Catalogue Index
The Birmingham Trade Catalogue Collection contains a wide and varied array of printed catalogues for Birmingham firms.
Holdings are chiefly for the period between the late 19th century and the mid-1960s after which catalogues were no longer produced to the same degree.
Two sets of indexes. First index arranged alphabetically
according to company name. Second index filed according to the
type of goods/ware produced.
Microfilm cabinet 24 in HRA

Page last updated: 19 September 2023

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