Coroner witness statements from Care or Nursing Home managers

Statements from Care/Nursing Home managerial staff should include:

  1. The name and position of the person giving the statement.
  2. The name, address and type of residential home that is the authorised address under the DoLS.
  3. The name and date of birth of the Deceased.
  4. Details of when and why the Deceased became a resident.
  5. The general nature of the care and services provided to the Deceased.
  6. The reason a DoLS was applied for.
  7. The dates the DoLS was authorised from and to.
  8. Events leading to the Death.
  9. Any safeguarding issues in respect of the Deceased.
  10. Any known concerns of the family of the Deceased in respect of the Deceased care or death.

Statements can be in correspondence (email or letter) format unless requested otherwise by the Coroner’s Office but must be signed and dated.

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