Writing a witness statement for the Coroner

You should write your witness statement in plain English, explaining any technical terms, and send it by email to the Coroner’s Office.

Do not cut-and-paste large sections of notes together to make a statement.

What should a witness statement include?

All witness statements should address any known concerns raised by the family and include details of:

  • Your current professional position
  • Your professional position at the time you were treating the deceased
  • Your qualifications
  • The full chronology of events leading to death
  • The details of any assessment and/or treatment your and/or your team provided to the deceased, including:
    • The place
    • The date
    • The relevant history at the point of assessment/treatment
    • Condition on assessment
    • Outcome of investigations
    • The diagnosis (and the basis for it)
    • Treatment given
    • Any complications that arose
    • Progress and response to treatment
  • Your opinion on the likely medical cause of death, if you’re able to give one.

If the Coroner concludes that your statement is relevant to their investigation it must be shared with any interested party that asks for it. This might be in advance of or during the inquest.

Following the inquest, evidence may be given to anyone who, in the opinion of the Coroner, should have access to it.

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